CCNA R&S (CCNA5.0) Cách xem địa chỉ Base ethernet MAC address trên Cisco switch
Trên Cisco Switch (29xx, 35xx …) có 1 địa chỉ Base ethernet MAC address ( gọi tắt là base MAC), như sau:
SW#show version
The password-recovery mechanism is enabled.
384K bytes of flash-simulated NVRAM.
Base ethernet MAC Address: 00:14:69:C3:CC:00
Motherboard assembly number: 73-8100-09
Power supply part number: 341-0029-03
Motherboard serial number: CAT09211730
Power supply serial number: LIT090509J
SW#show mac address-table
Mac Address Table
Vlan Mac Address Type Ports
—- ———– ——– —–
All 0014.69c3.cc00 STATIC CPU
All 0014.69c3.cc01 STATIC CPU
All 0014.69c3.cc02 STATIC CPU
All 0014.69c3.cc03 STATIC CPU
All 0014.69c3.cc04 STATIC CPU
Địa chỉ MAC của port = base MAC + port_id. Ví dụ:
SW#show int f0/1 | include bia
Hardware is Fast Ethernet, address is 0014.69c3.cc01 (bia 0014.69c3.cc01)
SW#show int f0/2 | include bia
Hardware is Fast Ethernet, address is 0014.69c3.cc02 (bia 0014.69c3.cc02)
Base MAC cũng là MAC ứng với SVI (switch virtual interface). Ví dụ:
SW1#show int vlan 100 | include bia
Hardware is EtherSVI, address is 0014.69c3.cc00 (bia 0014.69c3.cc00)
SW1#show int vlan 200 | include bia
Hardware is EtherSVI, address is 0014.69c3.cc00 (bia 0014.69c3.cc00)
Địa chỉ MAC trong BID (dùng cho STP) cũng là base MAC.