File cấu hình mẫu trên Nortel WSS-2380 (phần 1)
I/ Cấu hình basic WSS-2380
1. Câu lệnh thực hiện
WSS-2380# quickstart
This will erase any existing config. Continue? [[][[]]n]: y
Answer the following questions. Enter ‘?’ for help. ^C to break out
System Name [[][[]]2380]: WSS-2380
Country Code [[][[]]US]: US
System IP address [[][[]]]:
System IP address netmask [[][[]]]:
Default route [[][[]]]:
Admin username [[][[]]admin]: admin
Admin password [[][[]]]: nhom1
Do you wish to set the time? [[][[]]y]: n
Do you wish to configure wireless? [[][[]]y]: y
Enter a clear SSID to use: Public-WSS
Do you want Web Portal authentication? [[][[]]y]: n
Do you want to do 802.1x and PEAP-MSCHAPv2? [[][[]]y]: n
Do you wish to configure distributed access points? [[][[]]y]: y
Enter a DAP serial number, <cr> to exit: STP1W212T3
Enter model of DAP with S/N STP1W212T3: 2330
Enter a DAP serial number, <cr> to exit: STP1W212JD
Enter model of DAP with S/N STP1W212JD: 2330
Enter a DAP serial number, <cr> to exit: STP1W21322
Enter model of DAP with S/N STP1W21322: 2330
Enter a DAP serial number, <cr> to exit: STP1W212M9
Enter model of DAP with S/N STP1W212M9: 2330
Enter a DAP serial number, <cr> to exit:
success: created keypair for ssh
success: created keypair for admin
success: created self-signed certificate for admin
success: remember to save this config
WSS-2380# set interface 1 ip
WSS-2380# set interface 1 ip dhcp-client enable
WSS-2380# set port media-type 1-4 rj45
2. Kết quả:
* Show file cấu hình:
WSS-2380# show configuration
# Configuration nvgen’d at 2005-12-16 20:52:51
# Image
# Model 2380
# Last change occurred at 2005-12-16 20:52:45
set ip route default 1
set system name WSS-2380
set system ip-address
set system countrycode US
set service-profile Public-WSS ssid-name Public-WSS
set service-profile Public-WSS ssid-type clear
set service-profile Public-WSS auth-fallthru last-resort
set enablepass password b6b706525e1814394621eeb2a1c4d5803fcf
set authentication last-resort ssid Public-WSS local
set user last-resort-Public-WSS attr vlan-name default
set user admin password encrypted 070129434358
set radio-profile qt-rp service-profile Public-WSS
set radio-profile qt-rp auto-tune power-config enable
set dap 1 serial-id STP1W212T3 model 2330
set dap 1 name DMP01
set dap 1 radio 1 radio-profile qt-rp mode enable
set dap 1 radio 2 radio-profile qt-rp mode enable
set dap 2 serial-id STP1W212JD model 2330
set dap 2 name DMP02
set dap 2 radio 1 radio-profile qt-rp mode enable
set dap 2 radio 2 radio-profile qt-rp mode enable
set dap 3 serial-id STP1W21322 model 2330
set dap 3 name DMP03
set dap 3 radio 1 radio-profile qt-rp mode enable
set dap 3 radio 2 radio-profile qt-rp mode enable
set dap 4 serial-id STP1W212M9 model 2330
set dap 4 name DMP04
set dap 4 radio 1 radio-profile qt-rp mode enable
set dap 4 radio 2 radio-profile qt-rp mode enable
set port media-type 1 rj45
set port media-type 2 rj45
set port media-type 3 rj45
set port media-type 4 rj45
set vlan 1 port 1
set vlan 1 port 2
set vlan 1 port 3
set vlan 1 port 4
set interface 1 ip
set interface 40 ip dhcp-client enable
Nguồn: Trung tâm thiết bị viễn thông bách khoa